7 Facts About Writing You Probably Didn’t Know

Ever wondered about the hidden complexities of the written word, those fascinating facts that largely remain a secret? You’re not alone. With an impressive tally of over 130 million books published throughout human history, writing is undeniably a fundamental part of our lives. However, certain facets of writing continue to perplex many. This article aims to illuminate some of these intriguing and lesser-known facts about writing.

1. The First Known Author in History was a Woman:

Contrary to the usual association of ancient texts with male authors, it’s a woman who holds the honor of being the world’s first known author. Enheduanna, a priestess in ancient Mesopotamia around 2300 BC, is acknowledged as the first author whose name we know today. She crafted numerous hymns and poems, many of which have survived till today.

2. Shakespeare Invented Over 1,700 Words:

Yes, you read that right. The Bard of Avon had a significant impact on modern English. He is credited with inventing over 1,700 words, many of which are part of our daily vocabulary, such as ‘assassination’, ‘bedroom’, and ‘lonely’.

3. “Go” is the Shortest Complete Sentence in English:

‘Go.’ It’s remarkable that this two-letter word forms a complete sentence. Yet, according to grammatical rules, ‘Go’ qualifies as the shortest complete sentence in English.

4. Typewriter is a Unique Word:

The term ‘typewriter’ holds the record for being the longest word that can be typed using only the keys on the top row of a QWERTY keyboard. This surprising fact might just spark a newfound appreciation for your computer keyboard layout.

5. Chinese is a Pictographic Language:

Unlike alphabetic languages, Chinese characters are pictographs. Each character represents a word or an idea rather than a sound. This characteristic makes it one of the most complex writing systems worldwide, with over 50,000 characters!

6. The Longest Word in English Spans 189,819 Letters:

The longest word in English isn’t one you’ll come across in everyday conversation. It’s the chemical name for titin, a protein found in human muscle, and it spans an astonishing 189,819 letters.

7. Writing Changes Your Brain:

Studies show that writing can physically change your brain. Regular writing boosts neural activity and can even contribute to increased memory capacity. Thus, writing not only aids communication but also enhances your brain’s functionality.


Writing goes beyond being just a communication tool; it reflects human history, creativity, and evolution. From Enheduanna’s ancient hymns to Shakespeare’s literary innovations, from the intriguing brevity of ‘Go’ to the complexity of Chinese pictographs, and from the unique design of the typewriter keyboard to the brain-enhancing benefits of writing, these fascinating facts offer a fresh perspective on the art and science of writing. The next time you pick up a pen or tap on your keyboard, remember you’re participating in an activity steeped in captivating facts and history.